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ContRact Postings

Victoria Tenant Action Group (VTAG)
2018 Municipal Election Renters Mobilization Campaign (MERM Campaign)


CONTRACT POSTING: MERM Campaign Coordinator


Project background and goal:


The Victoria Tenant Action Group (VTAG) is a newly formed community organization consisting of tenants and tenant allies concerned about renters’ and housing rights in the Captial Regional District. Group members foster change, share knowledge, and build solidarity in respect to housing rights. VTAG is incorporated as a non-profit society and consists of an organizational Steering Committee and a broader membership group.


The 2018 Municipal Election Renters Mobilization Campaign (MERM Campaign) will ensure that renters’ rights and housing affordability are pivotal issues in the 2018 Municipal Election, and that prospective candidates are evaluated against their commitment to advancing the interests of renters in Greater Victoria. The Campaign Coordinator will develop and execute a local campaign that elevates renters’ rights in the election conversation, mobilizes renters, and increases the visibility of VTAG in the community.


VTAG meets and organizes on the unceded land of the Lekwungen speaking people now represented by the Songhees and Esquimalt Nations.


Role description:


The successful candidate will:  


  1. Oversee and coordinate the city-wide lobbying and education campaign informing and engaging renters of Victoria in the context of the 2018 Municipal Election.

  2. Develop a work pan to implement the MERM Campaign, which may include:

  • Volunteer recruitment and team building

  • Organizing events

  • Media coordiation (including social media)

  • Communications with VTAG membership

  • Developing resources that make renters issues accessible

  • Voter contact and voter registration, get out the vote, and E-Day coordiation

  • And anything else that may arise

  1. Develop strong relationships with local stakeholders including grassroots organizations and ally groups.

  2. Participate in VTAG Steering Committee meetings as needed; provide regular updates on campaign activities to VTAG members.

  3. Help build the infrastructure necessary for long-term VTAG organizational success, including membership recruitment.



Qualifications and attributes of the candidate:


  1. Demonstrated commitment to advancing renter’s rights.

  2. Familiarity with municipal housing issues and related policies and/or the ability and desire to learn quickly.

  3. Experience:

  • Working on campaigns/election campaigns

  • As a residential tenant

  • Working with tenants

  1. Ability to:

  • Organize and inspire others to accomplish tasks and meet deadlines

  • Work effectively with, and to foster inclusive relationships with tenants and their allies

  • Engage effectively with diverse populations, including those who are traditionally excluded from political power

  • Work a flexible schedule, including evenings and weekends


Contract details: 


  1. 3.5 months: July 30, 2018 – November 15, 2018

  2. Total hours of contract will be approximately 400 hours (hours per week will build to Election Day (Oct 18) and then decrease for final reports) with the possibility of job sharing.

  3. Rate of $24-30 per hour, depending on experience.


Application instructions:


Email a cover letter and resume to: by Thursday, July 12, 2018, at 4:00PM. Please include your name and “MERM Campaign Coordinator” in the subject line.


For more information about VTAG and the MERM Campaign Coordinator position, please email or call Emily Rogers at 250-514-6211.


**Please distribute contract posting widely**


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