2018 CRD MunicIPal Elections
Candidate Survey
We sent every candidate standing for Mayor or Council a survey on housing and tenant rights.
Just below, we have some graphics which either look at one particular question, or that show synthesized results based off of patterns in their responses.
We have also produced tables that look at snapshots of candidates' responses by question.

You can click these links to view your candidates' responses in their own words: Victoria, Saanich, Esquimalt, Oak Bay, View Royal. If you press Control+F (Command+F on a Mac) inside of the documents you can type and search by candidate or question.
We know that there are a lot of demands on candidates' schedules and are greatly appreciative to those who made time to prioritize our questionnaire. Click here for a list (sorted by municipality) to see which candidates responded by our initial deadline, by our late extended deadline, of after that.
A huge thank you goes to Dr. Mateer's volunteer contributions and the coding of survey responses conducted by university geography students doing a practicum with VTAG.
Original Survey:
1) On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being very poor, and 10 being extremely good), please rate the available quantity of livable, affordable rental housing stock in your municipality.
2) Do you believe that housing is a right that should be extended to all people living in your municipality?
Strongly disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Neither agree nor disagree, Agree, Strongly agree
3) Do you believe that a tenant’s right to housing is a higher priority than a landlord’s right to profit from housing as a commodity?
Strongly disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Neither agree nor disagree, Agree, Strongly agree
4) On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being not at all and 10 being very much so) to what extent do you believe the solution to the housing crisis is clearing the path for developers to allow the filtering of housing into affordable stock?
5) Is a Standards of Housing Maintenance Bylaw desirable for your community? If yes, what do you see as the necessary elements of such a bylaw?
6) The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation's annual report found that the vacancy rates for Victoria and the CRD remain at less than 1%, and that the region has the largest year-over-year increase in housing prices since 1991 (7.7%). Please tell us what you believe to be the source of the crisis.
6A) What could your municipality do to address the source of these housing issues?
6B) What roles could other stakeholders play in addressing these housing issues?
7) Do you support the addition of new high-end housing stock?
Yes but with some community amenity contributions
Yes but with some affordable units included.
What percentage?
8) Do you support restricting short term vacation rentals? If yes, how?
9) Do you support using the new rental-zoning provisions to address the housing crisis in your community? If so, how?
10) What is your position on the implementation of a speculation tax in your municipality?
11) Do you believe tenants in your municipality are sufficiently protected from displacement? If not, please explain what actions you would like to take.
12) Are the rights of people experiencing homelessness sufficiently addressed by your municipality? If not, what needs to be done?