The Victoria Tenant Action Group (VTAG) would like to invite you to our first Annual General Meeting! Any current and prospective members are invited to attend to learn about VTAG’s accomplishments over the past year, and to get involved in our decision-making and action for the upcoming year!
The meeting will take place on:
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2019, 1:00-3:00pm
Greater Victoria Public Library Central Branch
Community Room
735 Broughton Street, Victoria, BC
Please RSVP here!
Victoria Tenant Action Group (VTAG) is an organization of mutual aid and solidarity for renters. We operate on the unceded traditional territories of the Leukwungen speaking peoples. Our mission is to educate, foster solidarity, and work toward social and policy change for those who do not own a home. Whether you are an experienced organizer looking to bring your knowledge and experience to VTAG, or if you have been wanting to get involved in housing justice or simply learn more about your rights as a renter and connect with others, the AGM is a perfect opportunity to get started!
At the Annual General Meeting, we will:
Highlight VTAG’s work and accomplishments since its inception
Review financial statements
Vote on a number of Special Resolutions that relate to developing VTAG’s Constitution and Bylaws (see Special Resolutions here)
Shape VTAG’s actions for the coming year (including a provincial rent control campaign with the Vancouver Tenants Union, research projects, policy work, and peer support/education)
Members interested in deeper involvement in VTAG are invited to run for our Board of Directors. This includes 3 core roles (Treasurer, Chair of Membership, Chair of Internal Operations), as well as opportunities for Directors-at-Large. Please contact us if you are interested in running for VTAG’s Board! For those who cannot make Board or volunteer commitments, the AGM is a great time to have your say in VTAG’s growth and our plans for housing action in the coming year!
Accessibility information:
The Community Room and washrooms at GVPL Central Branch are wheelchair accessible.
Bus tickets will be available
We are requesting that this space be a scent-free environment, so please refrain from cologne, perfume, scented bodywash, etc for the comfort and well-being of all members.
Please let us know if you have any other accessibility needs and we will do our best to accommodate.
Greater Victoria is expensive and difficult to live in, and VTAG needs your help and input to address housing precarity, justice, and dignity for all people. Looking forward to seeing you on November 30 at GVPL Central Branch! Please RSVP to ensure we can accomodate all who are interested to attend!
Past Events